Papers on Cornwall and the Cornish language, byScrifow dro dhe Gernow ha Kernowek, gen Ken MacKinnon
In 2019 I worked with Prof. Ken MacKinnon (1933–2021) to make a number of his conference papers and other writings on Cornish and Cornwall available online. You can download the booklet, containing ten items spanning the period 2002–2019, here:
En 2019, my a veu o conis gen Prof. Ken MacKinnon (1933–2021), ha nei a wrug parujy nebes cowsow dhort kescussulyanjow ha taklow erel a wrug ev scrifa rag ens gwul moy es dhe gawas warlinen. Ma deg scrif et an levren, scrifys tredh 2002 ha 2019; whei a ell hy iscarga obma:
Papers on Cornwall and the Cornish language, 301 ppff.
Contents of the booklet
Peth eus et an levren
- Cornish at its millennium: an independent academic study of the language undertaken in 2000 (2002)
- “As Cornish as possible” – “Not an outcast anymore” – Speakers’ and learners’ opinions on Cornish (2003)
- Cornish and the future of the Celtic languages (2006)
- A single written form for Cornish: accommodating contemporary varieties (2007)
- Bys Kernewek: a Cornish-language world, in which we live and move and have our being (2014)
- Cornish Language Research Landscape: research record, future needs (2014)
- Henderson’s Black-more revisited: disinterring a lost landscape (2015)
- The Cornish spiritual landscape in place-names (2015)
- Cornish language planning structures (2016)
- Summercourt: location, landscape and language (2019)