
The list below gives my presentations at conferences and other events. Bibliographies and abstracts are currently available for most of them; slides may be added later. Since 2023 I’ve been using reveal.js to build presentation and teaching slides. Previously, I used Beamer, and before that, Microsoft PowerPoint.

Ottobma rol a’n arethyow vy ort kescussulyanjow ha darvojow erel. War an folenn rag kenifer areth, whei a ell gweles an berrscrif ha rol an oberow a wruga vy gwul mencyon anodhans. My a vedn martesen gorra an imajys towlys dres an areth obma en scon ewedh. Theroma o usya reveal.js rag gwul an imajys ma. Kens 2023 a wruga vy usya Beamer, ha kens hedna, Microsoft PowerPoint.